Backing Up Personal Injury Damages

18 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If a careless driver has sent you to the hospital or a doctor, you may be able to collect money damages. The at-fault driver (and their insurers) are responsible for paying you for several categories of what are known as damages. Most victims fail to realize how each area of their life impacted by an accident is connected to these money damages. Damages must be proven using evidence. Read on to find out more about damages and what you need to produce to prove those damages to the other side.

Accident Damages

If you had to make a list of the negative impacts of the accident on your day-to-day activities, the contents of that list might give you an idea of what damages are. You may be entitled to be paid for the following list of damages, but some of them are only available if you take legal action against the other driver. That simply means speaking to a personal injury lawyer about your case before you do anything else. Most auto accident victims are entitled to these damages:

  • Medical treatment expenses, including surgery, medication, physical therapy, and anything else needed to restore you to your previous health status.
  • Future medical treatment for serious injuries that won't heal soon or that may be permanent.
  • Lost wages for time missed from a job.
  • Pain and suffering based on the emotional toll of the accident.
  • Vehicle repairs or payment for the loss.

To prove any of the above damages, proof is required. The below list of proof is the evidence you need to take action against the other driver.

Proof of Damages

  1. Eye-witness Statements – Anyone who witnessed the accident will be contacted by your lawyer and asked to provide a statement. This type of evidence is used to show who caused the accident.
  2. Accident or Police Report – This report is prepared by whoever responded to the wreck. Law enforcement officers can provide you with a copy of the report if needed. The report contains important contact information for the parties, their insurance policy info, and a summary of how the accident happened.
  3. Medical Records – The dollar amount of your medical expenses plays a major role in how much you receive in a settlement or after a win in court. To back up your claim, medical records and billing information must be shown. Your attorney can assist in ensuring the medical facilities comply with requests for information.
  4. Pay Statements – To show how much money you are owed in lost wages, pay statements, bank statements, or tax returns should be made ready.

Your personal injury attorney will do the heavy lifting when it comes to getting you the money you deserve. Play your part by speaking to one as soon as possible.
